Ponyboy Is Johnny A Hero In The Outsiders

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Introduction There were many characters in the outsiders that proved themselves to be heroes. A hero is someone who can make decisions in a tough situation that will help people. Ponyboy, Johnny, and Dally are just a few of the characters in the book that have showed that they have the material to be a hero. Although some heroes do do a few things that are bad, they help people as often as they can.

II. Paragraph one Ponyboy is a hero to society. Ponyboy saved those children in the burning church. Pony said, “I paid no attention, even though pieces of roof were falling to close for comfort.” He made his own choice to save the children that would have died without his help. Ponyboy was very brave when times are hard. On the way to the hospital the man that was caring for Ponyboy said to him, “I swear, you are the bravest kids I have seen in a long time.” The ambulance driver said that he was brave because they saved the children who’s life was in danger. …show more content…

Paragraph two. Johnny was a hero to Ponyboy and to the children in the burning church. Johnny saved Ponyboy’s life when a Soc named Bob was drowning Pony in the fountain by stabbing Bob. Johnny said on page 57 in the book,”they were drowning you, they might have killed you. Johnny made a difficult choice which ended up with Pony’s life being spared but Bob died. Johnny was not scared to save the children in the burning church. Ponyboy said on page 92, “He wasn’t scared either,” referring to Johnny. Johnny got right into the burning building without any second