Ponyboy's Death In The Outsiders By S. E. Hinton

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If you killed someone, would you run away? Johnny Cade and Ponyboy Curtis killed someone and ran away in the novel The Outsiders written by S.E. Hinton. Johnny’s choices had the greatest impact of Ponyboy’s life and relationship with others because they had to run away after bob’s murder. After Johnny died, he had a negative impact on Ponyboy’s life after he died in the hospital. Ponyboy blacked out his death and refused to accept what happened. He went as far as to say “I had the knife. I killed Bob.” (Hinton 165) Ponyboy wasn’t ready for Johnny to die. It was too much for his mind to take in, so he acted like Johnny was still there. Ponyboy’s brain doesn’t want anything bad to happen to Ponyboy. He takes responsibility for Bob’s death