Ponytail Braid Analysis

288 Words2 Pages
Step One: Make a Ponytail of your hair:
To start, take all your hair and tie them into a ponytail just at the nape of your neck. You have to use one throwaway elastic scissors, a kind that you can snip away with scissors at the tips.
Step two: Divide Your Ponytail:
In the next, take your ponytail in hand and split it evenly into two equal sections. Contrary to what is required for the classic plait, a fishtail braid requires a mere of two sections.
Step Three: Start Weaving:
In step three start with using your finger to separate a tiny section of your hair taken from the outer edge near to the elastic and then cross it over to the opposite side (overlap exactly like you would if you were doing a standard braid). Grip your hair again