Popeye's Case: Rousseau And Bar Lessons

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there, they might discover the line is significantly longer than they expected. As such, if the person knew the line was long, they might have made a different choice. The goal of this example to demonstrate the connection between motivations, in this case hunger, personality, in this case, a preference to Popeye’s Chicken, and how they impacted the decision, in this case, going to Popeye’s for some chicken. In the case of Rousseau and Barends, I would note that the line at Popeye’s was extremely long, and if I knew this in advance, I would have chosen Churches Chicken. According to Rousseau and Barends, I made the best decision I could have at the time, based on the information I had because I did not know that there was going to be a …show more content…

Some look at different personal traits, personalities and motivations while others look at critical thinking and using the most current information you have with and understanding the choice could change if the information changes. Others such as Scheve (2010) feel that instincts need to be closely looked at as they are a major influence in how we make decisions and can derail logical thought. As an example, one could decide that they want a Steak and therefore choose to go to Ruth Chris for dinner. While Ruth Chris is known for serving quality cuts of meat, this choice could be overridden by and instinct to want to try a new restaurant. While there was an obvious choice with a known outcome, the instinct to try something different override the logical and safe choice. As such, instinct can have a major impact on decision making and therefore should be studied in greater detail.

Decision making is a complex process with many factories that research has sought to examine. While there are many methodologies to making a decision and many factors that can affect a decision, Rousseau and Barends (2011) said it best “We make the best decisions we can at that time, based on the best information we have available”. As such, there is an inherent understanding with decision making, that the choice is rarely ever wrong, rather it was the right choice at that