Trends In Pop Culture

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Most people, especially of this generation, are fond of knowing and embracing whatever is popular. There are so many things that are “trending” now that Twitter’s top 10 trends is not enough to cover, grab, and list everything that people see as “hip”. This is one way to see what Pop Culture is actually about to some netizens. However, how is Pop Culture really defined? According to Delaney (2007), Pop Culture “is generally recognized as the vernacular or people’s culture that predominates in a society at a point in time.” West (2013) put it simpler by saying that, “Popular culture is everywhere.” Whatever most of the people are interested in now is pop culture. There are so many things that people are into at the moment and it is easier for …show more content…

To make things easier, the people who view those videos or listen to those music can share it on Facebook for all the world to see. Relevant and seldom irrelevant talks on politics can be found as well in social media and most of the time escalates there. With that, people know what others think of as something worth talking about. There are so much more things which people deem as popular these days: from fashion trends to what is considered cool in the world of literature. Unfortunately, because these things are bought or acknowledged by people in the mainstream world, some see popular culture as shallow. There are some who’s first reaction to hearing the term Pop Culture will be negative. Some would even define Pop Culture as something that can appeal to the masses but cannot be used in the academic sphere. This is something teachers should disagree with. Popular Culture is relevant, influential, and is and should be continuously integrated in the classrooms as it bridges the gap between teachers and students in the academe, helps educators themselves help their …show more content…

For the reason that it has been instilled in people’s minds how, like stated above, things that are involved in the world of popular culture shouldn’t be used in the academe, it is hard to get them to understand why pop culture is relevant in schools. However, what they do not understand is how popular culture is what gets the generation of today going. Communicating with these students and understanding whatever they are interested in will be hard if these teachers do not look at popular culture as something relevant. Popular culture in fact bridges the gap between the teachers and the students in the academe. According to Online Universities (2013), “Pop culture offers an opportunity for educators to meet students where they are.” In the world of the English Language for example. Teachers, of course, in literary courses would want and need their students to read works of Shakespeare, or texts from the Greek mythology, and what have you. However, students nowadays are more often not, not interested in that. Today, it has become a trend that students in high school sleep during their literature subjects as what is being discussed do not capture their attention. Considering that their attention span is so short, it will be hard to teach them things of the past or in history. Which is why popular culture is important. How does it actually bridge gaps? One knows how