Populist Party Vs Progressive Party Essay

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Political organizations have been created by many Americans between the end of the civil war and the beginning of World War 1. Such groups included the freedmen’s Bureau, the Farmers Alliance is now known as the Populist Party and The Progressive Party Platform. For the most part these groups were seeking to transform America by having people who shared their same beliefs and point of views join their groups and eventually change the way the system worked. During 1865 the newly freed men were having trouble adjusting to their new lives outside of slavery. Towards the end of the Civil War the Freedmen’s Bureau was created. What this group was provided shelter, education, clothes and jobs to the millions of newly freed slaves who did not know …show more content…

They sought out their own interest trying to fight against “political corruption and economic inequality” (P. 49). This group wanted to defend freedom and to transform American, in fundamental ways. “we meet in the midst of a nation brought to the verge of moral, political, and material ruin” ( P.50) These ways included: establishing government control of railroads and news, transportation, providing protection for labor unions, and allowing silver to be minted as currency. This entire organization wanted to “restore the government of the republic to the hands of the ‘plain people’”. (P. 51) The newspapers and transportation were all being controlled and the public opinion was being silenced. Therefore, they wanted the government to “operate the railroads in the interest of the people” (P. 53). Another problem was the fact that the urban workmen weren’t allowed to organize for self protection “we declare therefore- that the union of the labor forces of the United States this day consummated shall be permanent and perpetual” (P. 52). And they demanded “a national currency, safe, sound and flexible issued by the general government “(P.53). Above everything this group looked to transform America by changing different areas in

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