Porn Is Like A Drug By Claire Easley Summary

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Getting addicted to pornography is not as hard as people think. In Claire Easley’s article “Porn is like a Drug”, she writes, “The more a drug user hits up or a porn user looks at porn, the more those pathways get wired into the brain, making it easier and easier for the person to turn back to using, whether they want to or not.” (Easley, Claire) This statement is very true. In my Psychology class we just learned about the neurotransmitter in our brain called dopamine, it is a hormone that plays a role in risk and reward. When a reward takes place the amount of dopamine increases in our brains. Drugs or pornography, like rewards, can take control and highly increase the amount of dopamine in our brain. When this event takes place it causes the brain to find new paths to travel down, which will eventually cause damage to the receptors in the user’s brain. …show more content…

Users will begin acting as they see the people acting and turning to porn all the time; when they are stressed, depressed, upset, etc. U.S. Senate committee, Dr. Jeffrey Satinover of Princeton University said, “It is as though we have devised a form of heroin ... usable in the privacy of one’s own home and injected directly to the brain through the eyes.” (Easley, Claire) Aside from the major psychological and behavioral problems that pornography causes, there are many other ways that users are effected. Becoming addicted, can lead to financial debt, damaging one’s reputation, and a change in the way that one views a woman. One who becomes addicted does things before thinking about the

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