Poseidon Greek Traits

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References of Greek mythology is still found all throughout time today. Ancient Greek society was over 2,000 years ago, but it is still being talked about today. Poseidon was the god of the seas and underworld. The kingdom of the sea fell by lot to Poseidon after his three brothers deposed their father. He is known for his trident and represented as a fish, bull, and ram. Poseidon portrayed many aspects in Greek mythology by his revenge and anger, his love, and all of his powerful traits. Poseidon was considered as one of the most bad-tempered, moody olympian. There were many times in his life where he seeked for revenge because of his failures. Poseidon and Athena presented themselves in front of Cecrops and asked from them to offer a gift for Athens. …show more content…

The trident is the biggest symbol that represents Poseidon was the trident. This was very sacred to him because it helped him create his water sources. “Poseidon’s sister, Demeter turned herself into a mare and hid in the midst of a herd. Poseidon turned into a stallion and raped her. She soon gave birth to two children: a black-maned horse named Arion and a mysterious daughter called Despoena” (Poseidon). This is the reason why the horse is a well known symbol of Poseidon. He had two horses with his sister, Demeter. His other children include: Triton, Theseus, Polyphemus, Belus, Agenor, Neleus, and Atlas. “He was the protector of all waters, sailors relied upon him for safe passage”(Poseidon). He would make the waters rough if he disliked a sailor or was angry. This is one characteristic of Poseidon. “His Relation to the ram is because he turned himself into one and him and Theophane had a ram with a golden fleece. His relation to bulls were because they were sacrificed and given as gifts to him. They also herded them into the seas in Poseidon’s honor” (Hathaway). These are also the reasons and explanations for why these symbols represent