Position Essay: Judaism Morality Of Freedom

725 Words3 Pages

Lynn University

Position Essay
By: Kim Bianchi
Professor: Hamm

Due: October 14, 2015 Position Essay In Judaism moral of freedom was shown in the past during WWII which was the holocaust and showed that Jewish people where not free to believe in the values and morals in there religion and where killed for thinking they had the freedom or there own religion now Jewish people have the freedom to thinks and believe in torch and the ten commandments that are in the torch I will be talking about one of the commandments but I will pick one to focus on along with freedom of the religion. The defintion of freedom is the quality or state of being free. (Marian Webster dictionary) Marian Webster as defines Judaism a religion developed among …show more content…

The third is to not put the lord they god into vain, the fourth to have the remeberence of Sabbath as the day to keep holy, the fifth is to honor they father and they mother, sixth is no not murder and seventh is not to commit adultery. Eight is not to steal ninth is not to false witness anything against your neighbor and ten not desire the belongings of your neighbor (ten commandments) this document that is in the Torah and is holy to the Jewish people and the morals that they follow now and …show more content…

This was god giving the parents the ability to teach there children how honor and respect what they have and not tack it for granted. God is the ultimate parent and he is the creator of earth and mankind and so you should honor and respect your parents and god though the eyes of a Jewish child and a adult because if it was not for your parents you would not be on earth to honor and respect the fifth commandment Honor they father and they mother. (The Fifth Commandment, Honor Your Father And