Position Of A Research Assistant For The Community Ideas Factory Project

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With great interest, I am writing to apply to the position of Research Assistant for “The Community Ideas Factory” project. The possibility of completing the work on this project makes me excited because it compliments my work in service evaluation as PhD student at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health at the University of Toronto. Your former colleague, Dr. Woodhall-Melnik, has recommended this position to me as she knows I am enthusiastic and dedicated to my knowledge creation and dissemination work. I have two years of experience in such work from institutions such as St. Michael’s Hospital, and I can use the skills I have built to help you on this project.

For instance, I helped Dr. Woodhall-Melnik create a knowledge translation product in the form of an infographic to depict research findings on best practices for a community mental health service. Furthermore, we applied for a Canadian Institutes of Health Research grant, and this grant now funds my work with her at McMaster University. Organization and communication skills are integral to the outcomes I have produced in this role including writing literature reviews, coordination of research, and reaching out to study participants and advisory committee. …show more content…

Michael’s Hospital also highlights the communication skills and subject matter knowledge required for this position. I am a major contributor at Dr. Flora Matheson’s Gambling Research Exchange of Ontario Knowledge Hub. I work independently, leading and designing several projects on problem gambling service gaps and have developed knowledge community services through this work. For example, a scoping review (knowledge synthesis), key-informant interviews and a qualitative analysis are projects that I have led and designed on this