Positive And Negative Effects Of Industrial Revolution On American Society

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1. What are some effects on industrial revolution on American society.
Some of the effects of the industrial revolution on American society were quicker transportation, and a faster way of living, and working. The steam engine was an important staple in the industrial revolution, it improved manufacturing, mining, and transportation. Quicker transportations were steamboats and railroad which shorten the time of traveling, communicating, and shipping. Textile mills were also created. Things like the cotton grin sped up the process of separating cotton from the cotton seeds, flower mills crushed grains into flower, and the steel plow assisted farmers in a quicker way of growing and planting their crops. With fewer things to do by hand, people moved to the city, women, men, and children found work. The negative aspect of the industrial revolution was horrid working conditions, working space would be dirty, dangerous causing injuries, a lot of hours, and barely enough …show more content…

In the cramped living spaces, there were too many families packed into one small unit, and waste or garbage was thrown outside onto the street of these apartments. The apartments were not tidy, there were many illnesses passed easily through this type of living. Crimes happened often as well as prostitution, the cities were dangerous, and it wasn’t as easy as it is now to capture these criminals. These horrid conditions lead to a positive, new way of architecture, better ventilation in living spaces, taller building, skyscrapers, and better houses. The process of building these tall buildings was dangerous at the time because of the lack of safety for the workers above the ground. Then came along electricity in the cities and there were more job opportunities. The woman began working more, and some of the women would work as switchboard