Violent Video Games: Positive And Negative Effects

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Violent Video Games: The Negative and Positive Effects Do violent video games cause negative ramifications on youth? The public has been in a state of controversy over the effects of video games on youth practically since video games were invented. For the experts who debate the issue regularly, arguments over the effects violent video games have on children take one of two sides- violent video games are either an advantage or disadvantage to children. Among the people who believe violent video games can have a positive influence on children are psychology professor at Villanova University, Patrick Markey and Health behavior change consultant, Cheryl Olson. On the other side of the debate is Iowa State’s director of Psychology, Craig Anderson …show more content…

While many children who play violent video games are not always robbing banks, they have been shown to feel less compassion for others. Also, children who play violent video games do tend to show more aggressive tendencies than those who do not. Finally, children who adamantly play violent video games are more likely to be obese and miss out on necessary exercise and real life socialization. Both sides had strong arguments for each point however, they negative ramifications of violent video games do outweigh the positive …show more content…

Bulletin, vol. 136, no. 2, 2010, pp. 151-173, Loop, Erica. “Do Video Games Contribute to Childhood Obesity?” May 2015, Markey, Patrick, Charlotte Markey, and Juliana French. “Violent Video Games and Real-World
Violence: Rhetoric Versus Data.” Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 2014, McGonigal, Jane. “How Video Games Can Teach Your Brain to Fight Depression.” Nov. 2015, Olson, Cheryl, Lawrence Kutner. Grand Theft Childhood: The Surprising Truth About Video
Games and What Parents Can Do. Simon & Schuster, 2008.
---. and Dorothy Warner. “The Role of Violent Video Game Content in Adolescent Behavior.” Journal of Adolescent Research, vol. 23, no. 1, 2008, pp. 55-75,