Positive And Negative Effects Of Westward Expansion

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In the many years of Westward Expansion there were their ups and their downs. The years of treachery and the years of political improved consisted in the Westward Expansion. From mining to the Transcontinental Railroad, the many downfalls it had had an impact on people like Native Americans. However my view of the Westward Expansion was good. Without this period in America, America would have never a giant in the world. Mining had been around the world for a long time, but when mining was hardly ever heard in America until the California Gold Rush. Large amounts of ore had been found, and whoever found it could make an immense profit! An enormous amount of white and black people headed west.They were to determined to “Strike It Rich” There …show more content…

First with the Gold Rush, greed, guns, and death (lots of it). The mining of this era was thought of a fortune prosperity, although when gold was found in Native American Territory, it was hell on earth. There were wars with Indians, also these wars were displacing Indians. The purgatory labor of mining was hard, plus the fact that they had low wages just made matters worse. There were also problems with the Transcontinental Railroad. The processs of building this wonder was arduous, they had to use nitroglycerine to make tunnels instead of gun powder, because it wasn’t powerful enough. Even after they made the railroad there were problems, such as travelers shooting buffalos as a sport. Buffalos and buffalo remains were used as food, clothing, and tools for the Native Americans. In 1865, there were thrity million roaming buffalos, now in 1889, there were little as 85 buffalos in the whole United States! Farmers also had to deal with a lot too. They dealt with prices dropping low and high for cattle. There was a price collapse in the mid 1880s which was the end of the “Cattle kingdom”. Farmers had to deal with locust, and blizzards that destroyed their vision of there farming