Positive Law And Natural Law After The Civil War

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In January 1, 1863, the President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation after the third year of civil war. This proclamation declared "that all persons held as slaves" within the rebellious states "are, and henceforward shall be free." With this proclamation Abraham Lincoln wanted to reunite the state. At that moment he need it to be careful so he justified the proclamation as a war measure and being careful to respect the limits of his authority, Lincoln applied the Emancipation Proclamation only to the Southern states. This proclamation was a big issue that took Lincoln a lot of nights without sleep he know that freedom for the slaves was the right thing but giving the African American freedom can involve they doing services for other countries here is where the dilemma of the human behaviors come in conflict and when natural law and positive law are controversial. Let’s analyze what is positive law. Positive law is the law regulated and enforced by the government and there is a formalization of rules and social behaviors. So this law has been established by the government that must be followed. This rules are statues and constitutions that regulates human behaviors in a state or territory. …show more content…

In other words, natural law is made of morality, ethics, human values and human principles, this “laws” are not enforced by the government or any other parties. Is created by our capacities of judgments and choice, of what is right and wrong and our use of reason. A great example is before Lincoln proclaim the emancipation of slavery, he and a lot of people know that the slaves deserve not to be called property anymore and that they deserve the same treatment and respect like the white people and this thinking is call natural

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