Post-Group Reflection Essay

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Post-Group Reflection of Session 1: Assertiveness Training This essay seeks to solidify in my mind and the reader’s that effective facilitation of a group subsists in utilizing the strengths and perceptions of everyone in the group in the course of experiential learning, disclosing thoughts and feelings, interconnecting members, and dynamically involving and empathizing with each individual. This facilitative process was co–led and our long-term goal for this psychoeducational group was to aid in a group process that would produce a collection of individuals who would understand assertiveness and become more effective communicators. Thus, an examination of the framework of this psychoeducational group and the facilitators’ dynamics and skills …show more content…

Because this was the first group and the fact that it was a psychoeducational group on assertiveness, I wanted to model assertiveness, but was afraid it would be misconstrued as aggressive if I confronted GMs too soon into the group development. I obviously need to create a better balance between my thoughts and actions to become more effective with my intentionality. What was your experience of co-leading group with another leader? What worked well? What would you have done differently in this relationship? My experience as a co-leader was exceptional. Amy and I worked very well together and complemented each other’s style. We are both very organized when running the group, and demonstrated intentionality. We were able to allow each other to explore with GMs in the way each saw fit, but we also supported each other throughout the group process demonstrating cohesiveness. We modeled effective and respectful communication. The only thing I would have liked to have done differently is run more groups with Amy beforehand, because I believe we would create a very effective and complimentary style together. Where is your overall growth or learning edge in group work? In other words, what group work skills do you want to further develop based on your experience in this

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