Post Nutritional Information Essay

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Yes, there must be a law about restaurants having post nutritional information on their menu. Restaurants hold many delicious foods in there, but how will we know if we are consuming more than enough calories. Every single day an average man needs two thousand five hundred calories and an average woman needs two thousand calories per day but due to not having a post nutritional information an average person can gain up to four thousand calories per day, which means if they want to burn those calories they may want to double their exercise per week. Normally, you must burn at least two thousand calories to lose one pound per week. Due to gaining more than enough calories you have to double the exercises. The Affordable Care Act of 2010 wants restaurant's …show more content…

People need to know how many calories they are receiving per serve. If they don't, then as soon as the customer gets one plate and finishes it, he may not finish his other orders, if he ordered more than one plate, due to how many calories, fat, and the sodium that is in the meal which is wasting resources that could be used for other things. Having a post nutritional information on the foods that people order will help save resources for other types of food to not waste too much money either. The money of our country is being used mostly for cooking products in restaurants worldwide and half of these products are wasted. Post nutritional information will make people check if they may get too full or too little. Making sure of these will have people that are fit stay in the shape they want to be. The entire world can save up at least ten thousand dollars due to not wasting so much food products. Yes, we know that the tastiest foods have a bunch of calories but there are other tasty foods and snacks that have very low fat, sodium, and calories. Admit it, we all need to look after our bodies and a post nutritional information board is how we can do

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