Since I was a child, my parents instilled in me the importance of attaining an education by always reminding me this: “Study hard, get an education, and you will achieve whatever you want in life.” As a kid, I thought of it as a mere cliché that every parent tells their children just to keep them in school, but as I got older and became more mature, I gained a deeper understanding about why my parents always told me this principle: they want me to have a bright future. I keep this principle in mind and use it as my motivation to attain a college education. I am determined to pursue a post-secondary education because I have a dream of becoming a doctor, and going to college is the means that will enable me to achieve this aspiration in my life. …show more content…
I remember when I was still in elementary school in the Philippines, I was always fascinated in learning about the different systems and parts of the human body, the functions of each organ, and how all the body systems work together to enable us to do what we do. During that time, my parents had a pig farming business, and I used to spend a long time every week watching my dad and my uncles as they butchered a pig. Seeing the different internal organs did not gross me, instead, it intrigued me and raised my curiosity about our own body. Then, this past semester, I took an online medical terminology class and I enjoyed learning more about anatomy and physiology, medical terminologies, different diseases, and various medical procedures. My experiences and fascination about these branches of science helped me develop a passion for learning how our inside works, and my curiosity drives me to seek more knowledge about the field of medicine. Doctor is a career in which learning new ideas about the body, illnesses, preventions, and treatments are constant. Thus, taking this career will enable me to continue to study what I love, and expand my knowledge about the medical