Post Seminar Event Evaluation Essay

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Post-Seminar Event Evaluation
Name: Xinyu Li

1. Share some of your thoughts on something you learnt during your research or heard during the discussion that you found particularly thought provoking:

The core value of religions is believing blindly. Talking to Muslin student helps me understand this value better. True believers never doubt whether the doctrines are true or not because of their awe for God. In other word, even they know what written in their doctrines makes no sense in the real world, they still believe in their doctrines.
Whether religion changes or not is thought provoking. Religious doctrines did not change for centuries. People wrote up the New testament instead of making changes on the Old testament. But the New testament, which is …show more content…

Preparing for the possible problems ahead of time.
Speaking confidently and calmly.
Communication with teammates such as eye contacts during the discussion.

4. How successfully do you think your team performed during the debate? What sort of problems did you encounter and how could you avoid these in the future?

Though a little bit nervous we successfully based our answers on our definitions, most time we followed our logical structure that “science arouses doubts then doubts lead to the demise of the religion”. However, sometimes we tended to follow the other group’s logic and fail to point out the unrelated questions at the first time but tried to answer them. The problems we encountered were that we were not fully prepared for the possible questions they might ask. For example, during the seminar we insisted that religion was unchangeable, but we could not explain it clearly. In the future, we should prepare fully for the possible questions and find the answers before the seminar. Besides, we should check each other’s presentation in detail to reduce mistakes.

5. Thinking about the other members of your team and the opposing team: what/who impressed you the most and

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