Post Traumatic Childbirth Essay

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Literature Review on Traumatic Childbirth And Post-Partum Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Childbirth is an amazing experience in every woman’s life. It is a gift from God. Not every woman gets the blessing of becoming a mother. Therefore, the event called ‘Childbirth’ plays an immensely important role in women’s life. When childbirth faces uninvited situation, it can affect the feelings of the mother. Preexisting disease condition, quality of pre-natal care, pre-pregnancy depression, problems in family life, distress of being a new mom may be responsible for depression after childbirth. Every delivery has its own individuality. A woman may have a decent or an awful experience during her childbirth. A considerable number of …show more content…

There are different kinds of symptoms of post-partum depression like anxiety, headache, chest pain, violent activity, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, irrelevant speech etc (Andrews-Fike, 1999). Usually women who suffer from these symptoms don’t realize the depth of the illness (Andrew-Fike, 1999). More often new mothers don’t share their feelings with others due to anxiety (Andrew-Fike, 1999). There are much more physical, mental and hormonal changes occur within the women’s body after delivery (Andrew-Fike, 1999). After few months or years later, women start to feel better than before and slowly managed herself with the changes (Andrew-Fike, 1999). When a woman experiences these symptoms with more intensity, very frequently and repeatedly even after a few years, then she is suffering from post-partum post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (Andrews-Fike, 1999). When a woman gets nervous by thinking of her childbirth experience or recalling her memories of delivery time, then she can be diagnosed as a case of PTSD (Andrew-Fike,

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