Rita Dove was born in 1952 (“Geometry” 67). Rita was a great student growing up, she loved reading and writing.“An excellent student, Dove was invited to White House in 1970,” (“Geometry” 67). “She earned a bachelor’s degree from Miami University of Ohio in 1973” (Geometry” 68). She then attended West Germany's Tubingen University, where she met her husband. Fred Viebahn was also a writer and journalist (Geometry” 67). She received her master's of fine arts. She has one daughter named Aviva Chantal Tamu Dove-Viebahnape Sherbet”109). Dove writing is influenced by her African American roots and sensitive women issue . Her first chapbook was written in 1977. She has grown as a poet from her first poem. She is also the second African American to win Pulitzer Prize. “which include fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, the Guggenheim,” (“Geometry” 68). “Dove has taught at …show more content…
Postcolonial literature has been popular for its larger part of the theorist (“Postcolonialism” 225). “ Racial discrimination is a theme that runs throughout postcolonial discourse, as white Europeans consistently emphasized their superiority over darker skinned people,” (“Postcolonialism” 231). Race, language and identity is a main part of Postcolonial. The Postcolonialism was after the countries gained its independence from Great Britain (“Postcolonialism” 225). Cultural difference were one of the main reasons of postcolonial, the separation between two or more ethnic groups. Most poets wrote about the cultural difference between them, about how they were left out or did not fit in. the colonial era is generally studied for its colonizing rather than the colonized attributes (“Postcolonialism” 225) The style, setting, narration and movement were all part of the theme. Postcolonial (narration