Poverty In America

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In our society, many of our countries have been able to help aid other countries for their well-being. In our eyes, we see that as a good thing because we have this ability to sustain ourselves by helping others in need. At a political international point, it actually just proves that we as a country (the USA) want to help aid other countries but only for our own benefit. It is only beneficial because it’ll help our morality, have some use of the poor country’s resource, or have some negotiation. Throughout history, as well many of the richer countries (especially with the majority of the population being white) they feel as though they have a responsibility to take care of the country’s that they have colonized before or even ruined. So, USA, and other countries have a responsibility to help poorer countries develop a more stabilized economy. …show more content…

In fact, more than 70 percent of the world’s adults own under $10,000 in wealth. (Global Inequality) And only 3 percent is held in wealth. (Global Inequality) With that being said, the most millionaires in the world are living in Europe and in North America. However, this is just an individual perspective for the United States does give you the option of having the American dream. Which is no matter who you are, you are able to be successful. However, in many other countries it would seem impossible especially in some communist countries such as Cuba. Cuba’s gross national income per capita being $5,539 and that 40 percent of Cuban labor is considered to be middle class even though they get paid about $20. “The aggregated gross national income per capita of Cuba is officially $5,539, but the take home of salary for most Cubans is around $20 a month.” (Fred