Poverty In The United States

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This paper explains the meaning of poverty, and all poverty around the world and the United States. In many places, poverty maybe described as the low-income people, poor people. People who are above those in poverty are basically described as the best people, the rich people. Poverty occurs in many parts of the world, its properties are more noticeable in the formed part of town, state, or country. In the early 2000’s , 39.9 million people were being considered as poor in the United States. The poverty rate in the States varied among the racial groups, region and age. There is no quick fix to the problem of poverty. However, economic growth and access to education at all levels are some of the solutions to solving …show more content…

In general, the United States has some of the highest relative poverty rates among industrialized countries, reflecting both the high median income and high degree of inequality. Since the 1960s, the United States Government has defined poverty in absolute terms. When the Johnson administration declared "war on poverty" in 1964, it chose an absolute measure. The poverty line is the line below which families or individuals are considered to be lacking the resources to meet the basic needs for healthy living; having low income to provide food, shelter, clothing, or anything to be sane.
Much of the debate about poverty focuses on statistical measures of poverty and the clash between advocates and opponents of welfare programs and government regulation of the free market. It is often claimed that poverty is understated, yet there are some who also believe it is overstated; thus the accuracy of the current poverty threshold guidelines is subject to debate and considerable …show more content…

Share the benefits of economic growth through an emphasis on more widespread employment. The phenomenon of jobless economic growth that increases income inequalities and generates too few jobs for low income groups poses a serious threat to the well-being of many nations. Government policies should consider not only aggregate economic impact but also the distribution of employment. Socially responsible venture capital and microcredit initiatives can foster employment-generating businesses that complement the local culture and