Essay Of Mice And Men Power

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There are lots of people who have power in society, but some have it more than others. Everyone tries to obtain it, especially throughout history. Power has been around for millions of years and is still around to this day. Whether it’s wanting to become a king, an emperor, a Pharaoh, or a president. If you’re placed in a certain social class hierarchy that, determines how much power you have. Power is viewed as those who can control others by getting them what they desire. Money plays a huge role in someone who has power, though too much of it can cause them to abuse it. They still have it but it can overrule people and that’s not a good sign. There are essential ingredients for someone to gain power but these are the top three reasons of achieving it: money, intelligence, and race. An example of power is in the novella, Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. The number one way to obtain power, is through money. Money, is of course, a necessity we all need to stay stable and live in life. Everyone has a decent amount of it and we have a more stable culture. But to those who have too much of it can be classified as someone who has more power than others. Who probably shouldn’t deserve it all. If they’re one of the wealthiest people in the world they have a greater …show more content…

I disagree because it doesn’t matter how much you give respect to them because if they’re wealthy enough to buy your respect then they have power. You can buy their respect or anything you want from them and if that’s possible for someone, why won’t that make them feel powerful? Some can argue that MLK is black and he still has power, that’s because he has a voice. Having a voice and giving others your opinion on social topic matters. Despite race and money, MLK was able to acquire power. But obtaining money, intelligence, and race, that was argued for, prove that those were the reasons of achieving