
Power Of Social Role Analysis

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I believe that the things inside me allow me to rise above a negative environment. I grew up in a negative environment and both my sister and I rose above it. “The Power of Social Roles” agrees by stating the fact that only one-third of abused children become abusers themselves. There are also people who have a positive environment and still turn out to have bad behavior. I believe that your institution does help but it does not control your behavior. Your environment can allow you to see either what you want to be or who you don’t want to be. I believe that people have the power to rise above. 2. A) I believe that even though the subjects volunteered, the arrest was startling. The arrest was very public, almost equivalent to having them hold a sign that stated that they are a deviant. Having all of their neighbors seeing them partaking in the walk of shame, in handcuffs, can have a huge effect on emotions and reactions of the student. Another thing that has an effect on the volunteer’s emotions are all the cops wearing their sunglasses. The sunglasses help …show more content…

One of the similarities is that the harassment came from the night guards. In my opinion, there is not a hero in either situation. Derby stated that he was not there and was not positive on if orders were given out to soften the prisoners. During Derby 's interview, he stated many things to convince me that he was unfitting of the title hero and thought highly of himself. Derby only talked about the pictures when he was promised to be kept anonymous. He did do his job, according to the program on television that stated he performed his duties professionally. There was no mention of being a hero. The title Abu Ghraib: A Torture Story Without a Hero or an Ending clearly states that there was no hero here, even with the help of Derby. There is a difference between doing your job and the right thing and being a

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