Praeludium In D Major Analysis

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The piece that were played next was Praeludium in G Major performed by Stephan Distad on the organ. The piece began with short rapid notes. As it progressed, the texture became polyphonic as unwinding and expansion of each melody line overlapped the original, resulting in three interchangeable melodies. The rhythm were energetic. Short, melodic and rhythmic phrases were commonplace, including the basso ostinato, a melody set over a repeated bass pattern. Tempos were fast at the beginning of the piece and slow towards the end of a piece. Major scales were used as the basis for the tonal centers of pieces. Cadences at the end of sections were strong, and harmonic movement included repetition of a series of chords at a higher pitch. The unity of mood in this particular piece expressed one basic mood of joy as it remained the same throughout due to the polyphonic short and rapid notes repeatedly played as a rhythmic pattern.
The third music piece heard was Toccata in D Major by Stephen Distad and Justin Langham. The piece began with Distad on the organ playing a single measure. The trumpet entered as the second melody, playing on a same note at the same time, making the texture polyphonic. Even though the trumpet sounded louder, the organ carried the vibrations farther. The organ played the …show more content…

The piece began with Distad on the organ playing the first few measures, later joined by Distad, playing the trumpet in the middle of organ's measure. As the lingering low-pitched vibrations of the organ notes trumped the duration of the trumpet's sharp accelerated notes, the organ carried the trumpet throughout the performance. Throughout the piece, the trumpet took long breaks, also known as rests, between each measure as the organ continued to play, and started playing again on a higher octave than the previous time, except for the end, when the organ played alone with a high pitch