Pragmatic Perspective On Abortion

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Pranita Koirala 6th October, 2017 Abortion: A pragmatic approach Abortion is a safe and legal way to end unwanted pregnancy. Abortion is not only about the fetus, but also about the parents. Having a child is extremely expensive; a couple may get an abortion if they are financially incapable of providing for the baby. In many abortion cases, the mother’s health is often at stake. In these cases of pregnancies complications, abortion can save the mother’s life. Lately with all the new technologies, doctors are constantly monitoring the health of pregnant mothers and their child, but if the doctors were able to find sever birth defects prior to labor then terminating such pregnancies could be an option for the parents. In cases of rape, the child …show more content…

In this sense, abortion goes against many religion’s major commandment i.e. do not kill. Abortion seems unfair since the fetus that’s being terminated could have had a life yet it is being taken away without having any say in the matter. Although not a big issue in America, some country’s preference of a boy over a girl has caused major disproportion in the populations gender demographic. Abortion has made this act of discrimination possible. Similarly, eugenics- breeding to increase certain heritable characteristic- is also made possible because of abortion. When in favor of abortion, the major point that’s being valued is the quality of life. People who favor abortion aren’t saying that a baby’s life is worthless, they’re more concerned for the quality of life said fetus will have. Another value is the freedom of choice, if the mother chooses to terminate her pregnancy- it’s her body therefore she should have that right. When someone is against abortion, they’re valuing life. They are trying to convey that a child is incapable of being their own advocate and therefore making abortion unfair. They are trying to speak on behalf of someone who can’t. The common value that both side share is that they both value

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