This session plan is part of a pre-accredited adult course in the state of Victoria and delivered through a Learn Local organisation. Therefore material and delivery fall under the Pre-accredited Quality Framework, which is determined by The Adult, Community and Further Education (ACFE) Board. As indicated on the Victoria State Government Department of Education and Training - The Adult, Community and Further Education (2016) website: Through the Board, the Victorian Government provides funding to community-based organisations, known as Learn Local organisations, and two adult education institutions…, for delivery of education and training programs to a broad range of Victorians over compulsory school-leaving age …from diverse cultural backgrounds… …show more content…
This is done with the aid of an A-frame system designed to better outcomes through “sustainable means of disseminating and sharing knowledge” (Victoria State Government – Department of Education and Training, 2013b), increasing the educational experience and providing uniformed accountability for this education sector. A secondary benefit of the A-Frame system is that it builds connections and partnerships between Learn Local organisations, industry, community and employers. The A-Frame provides learners with relevant knowledge and skills regardless of their previous level of education, with a focus on employability skills for the workforce. It enhances awareness of the pre-accredited learning sector, and its flexibility to accommodate industry and employer needs through fundamental employee skills training and further pathway opportunities (Victoria State Government – Department of Education and Training,