Pre-Millennialism In The Old Testament

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Furthermore, we see so far in the notes above that the subject of the millennium takes up a larger portion of prophetic scripture developing the nature, conditions and extent than any other subject in the bible. The millennial kingdom is that age in which God’s purposes on earth will be fully realised. Dwight Pentecost comments in his book that “This age will see the fulfilment of all the covenants that God made with Israel” . In this paper, however, the position that will be defended is pre-millennial view. To help us get a grasp of this discussion, let us look at the biblical history of premillennialism in the Old Testament.

The Abrahamic covenant includes personal promises. These include Abraham and his descendants being given a land forever (Gen. 12:1,7; 13:14-15; 15:18-21;17:8). The other promises include the land promises. God promised Abraham and his descendants that they will be given a nation (Gen.12:2), This land will have specific physical boarders and dimensions (Gen. 13:17, 15:18). When we study this covenant very closely we notice that the giving of the covenant was conditioned upon Abram’s faith and obedience but also the actual covenant was unconditional when we look at the implication of it in (Gen.15:7). This covenant was declared to be eternal by God himself in (Gen.13:14-15, 17:7-8, 1 Chron. 16:16-17; Ps. 05:9-10). This covenant was only rightly to be fulfilled by God himself because He is a covenant keeping God. We see this in the number of times He is promising to fulfil this covenant. “I will” --- 4 times in Gen. 12:1-3 and “ I will” – 7 times in Gen. 17:1-8. It is my hope that at least things are getting into shape as we observe that God is promising Abraham to give him and his descendants a land, a land with physical boundaries and physical dimensions. Scanning through history we are left with questions to ask is …show more content…

“We notice from these passages above that the “seed” of Abraham is connected to the seed of David. Other scriptures which prove this point is ( Jer. 33:22,