Prejudice And Irony In Phillis Wheatley's Poetry

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Despite Phillis Wheatley being an African American former slave in the 1760's, Phillis managed to overcome unimaginable obstacles that and become a successful poet. Around the age of seven Phillis Wheatley was kidnapped and was sold into slavery to the Wheatley's. Unlike many white slave owners the Wheatleys cared deeply for Phillis, so they decided to teach her how to read and write, which was illegal during this time. Phillis Wheatley played a very vital role in American history, despite being sold into slavery Phillis manage to overcome all obstacles and break down barriers to become the well known astounding poet she is today. One of Wheatley’s poems that received the most attention is the one she wrote for George Washington, 'To the King's Most Excellency Majesty'. Wheatley greatly admired George Washington and his bravery, so much that she dedicated one of her poems to him. He …show more content…

Although many of the themes of her poems did vary , she never explicitly wrote about racial discrimination or slavery. “Her poems mirror her religious and classical New England upbringing. Wheatley never centered her poems on the theme of racial equality." Instead of writing about racial equality she took advantage of her gift and wrote about what truly spoke to her. Without meaning to she eventually broke down the barrier and created their own African American literature. Most of her writing were based on historical Figures that she admired, such as George Washington, and she often wrote about the Revolutionary war and shared her opinions about them. “Wheatley’s poems reflected several influences on her life. For example, the famous poets she studied, such as Alexander Pope and Thomas Gray.” As shown about Phillis wrote about topics that she felt very strongly about and who she had the utmost respect