In the novel To Kill a MockingBird, written by Harper Lee, one of the recurring themes involves Scout struggling to determine her own view on racism as she encounters prejudices towards African Americans in public school and becomes more acquainted with other biases in her community. Similarly, in Keith Beauchamps documentary that portrays the murder of Emmett Till, many people living in the deep south demonstrated racist cruelty towards the African Americans. Prejudice clearly affects the lives of the African Americans in Beauchamps documentary and plays a key role in the murder of Emmett Till.
Scout encounters prejudice in her community towards African Americans and against groups of individuals that vary from the accepted majority. Scout 's cousin Francis refers to Scout’s father as a “nigger lover” and indicates that by Scout’s father’s defense of an African American, their family may be outcast from society. “We’ll never be able to walk the streets of Macomb agin. He ruinin’ the family that 's what he 's
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African Americans for the most part were treated with less value and were denied equal opportunities to make choices and to succeed. The African Americans faced racism that seemed dehumanizing and destroyed their freedom. Emmett Till was senselessly murdered because of prejudice towards the color of his skin. If a white man whistled at a woman he would be verbally reprimanded. When Emmett Till whistled at a white woman, he was beaten to death. Racism can lead to the majority of society judging people according to different standards allowing an individual’s race or color to determine his rights and freedom instead of his actions. The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till portrays how for many African Americans life in the Southern United States was an everyday battle against