Unwind Bingo Unwind’s Opinion On Racism Learning Outcome: Write a think piece on an important issue that is considered in the novel. Are we the kinky European, or that Indian guy, maybe the wanna-be white guy who is actually a black guy? Whoever we are not, these are the everyday archetypes we are being made fun of because of racism. Over the course of Neal Shusterman’s modern dystopian novel, Unwind, we are given an insight on how the world of Unwind looks at racism through the eyes of Cyrus Finch (also known as CyFi). As he casually talks to Lev about the origins of racism in the past, and how people would use to call his race black. For this think piece, I will compare and contrast modern day society’s approach to racial discrimination …show more content…
If so, then why is it that in contemporary society, people are being prejudiced because of the color of their skin? With that in mind, racism exists to generalize people based on their race. Hence, its a trigger that has become a part of our human nature and subconsciousness, causing people to react differently to other people from the color of their skin. Accordingly, this racial stereotyping influences the way we encounter and interact with ordinary citizens or police forces and vice versa; it has an impact on how we describe violence and our social systems. For instance, on November 22nd, 2014 in Cleveland, 12 year old Tamir Rice, was shot and killed by Cleveland police after officers mistook his “airsoft” toy gun for a real weapon. The two police officers involved, Timothy Loehmann and Frank Garmback, have not been charged and were not held accountable for. Rice’s family has filed wrongful death lawsuit against the officers and the city of Cleveland. Alternatively, Tamir Rice was shot and killed, because of how police officers would typically react when a black man holds up a gun. Consequently, it was human nature that caused police officers to pull the trigger, because of the racial stereotype that a black man with a gun will likely be dangerous. For this reason, it has influenced the behaviour of police officers against