
Present Day Grendel Research Paper

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The Present-Day Grendel
All throughout history, common peace has been disturbed time and time again by a variety of monsters. In the epic Beowulf, translated by Burton Raffel, three monsters are presented who have many different traits and virtues. Grendel, from Beowulf, has innumerable qualities that can be found in the monsters that lurk our world today. On the other hand, Kylie Jenner is predominantly known for being the worst role model for young girls today. Kylie Jenner is a modern day monster who has connections to Grendel due to her isolation, her lack of a father, and societies negative coverage of her life.
One thing that Grendel and Kylie Jenner have in common is the fact that they both are lonely. Neither one of them currently fit in a certain group or family. Grendel was exiled according to line 24 in Beowulf, and his home is just a “miserable hole at the bottom of the marsh” (Raffel 530). The epic never mentions this monster having any friends, but at one point the mother comes into the story. We do not see or hear from her until Grendel is already dead. What type of mother is this? This embodies the theme for the Anglo-Saxons that without companionship, one cannot survive. Many might argue that Kylie Jenner is not lonely. Yes, she may technically be …show more content…

Grendel was once described as “that shadow of death” (Raffel 74). He is known to be “mankind’s enemy” (Raffel 79). Through the whole poem, Grendel is made out to be this “violent and cruel, and evil” monster (Line 108). Kylie is often talked about in a negative connotation. She once said that “like, every single day I see something negative about me” (Heyman). One of the most “terrible role model for young girls” is considered to be Kylie Jenner (Buck). Kylie is also criticised for “only posting things for attention”(Buck). How are these alleged monsters supposed to thrive when their constantly being put

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