President Richard Nixon Impeachment In Watergate

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7. President Richard Nixon was the U.S. president from 1962 to 1974. Nixon was accused for keeping secrets and was going to be impeached. On june 17, 1972, 4 anti-Castro Cubans hired by the CREEP (Commitee to Re-Elect the President) broke into the Democartic National Headquarters at the Watergate complex in Washington D.C. and found strips of footage. In his reelection in 1972, Nixon got 60% more votes than the opposing candidate. However, less than half of the population knew about the break-in in Watergate. On December 8, E. Howard Hunt’s (a CIA agent involved in the Bay of Pigs Invasion in Cuba) wife died in a plane crash from Washington D.C. to Chicago, carrying $10000, this was evidence of hush money. On March 23 the following year, …show more content…

president from 1992 to 2001. Clinton was accused of impeachment due to his sexual behavior and his Whitewater case. In May 1993, seven long-time employees in the White House travel office were fired and replaced with friends of the Clintons from Arkansas which lead to the FBI investigating the firing. This event was known as the “Travelgate”. In the same year on July, Vince Foster, Deputy White House Counsel and life-long friend of Clinton, was shot dead in the park outside Washington and was told it was suicide. The Federals investigating the suicide were denied the access to enter Foster’s White House office. Speculations rose that the documents related to the suicide were removed. A month before his suicide, Foster filled a 3 year delinquent Whitewater corporate tex …show more content…

First, Nixon was just recording the actives, conversations and etc.. in the oval office, it didn't mean he was going to commit treason. In fact, why would he? He is the President of the United States, the most powerful man on Earth. Nixon was just probably paranoid or a perfectionist, which is why he recorded everything that happened in the oval office. Second, the impeachment of Clinton was an utter violation of the President’s personal life. It is also useless because most of it happened before he became president. There is no reason to snoop so deep into someone’s personal life to get them impeached or in trouble. It is very unprofessional and rude. I mean would you like it if someone did that to you? I think not. And doing so, it just damages someone’s reputation and can also damage your own.

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