On January 8, 1918, President Woodrow Wilson proposed the idea of fourteen points. These fourteen points were suggested to aid the nations in creating a more peaceful relationship amongst them. As World War one took its tolls on nations all over the world Woodrow Wilson decided that something needed to be done to put an end to the bloody war, so he suggested his fourteen points that would hopefully end the war and even after the war continue to maintain peace and positive relations between countries. A few of Wilson 's points were not obtained, but a few were brought into effect, and these few points that were passed have helped to advocate peace. During the war every action was being taken to ensure the victory, for example, Germany …show more content…
The first point, freedom of seas was created to ensure the safety of all nations ships, it allowed ships to freely navigate oceans without restrictions, it prevented blockades, and of course things like unrestricted submarine warfare.The second point that was adopted was the reduction of all armies. Without large armies countries would not be as deadly toward one another, also if there were smaller armies people wouldn 't feel as though another nation were more powerful or threatened which would lead to less conflict and need for power. The last point that was maintained was the League of Nations. Wilson believed that the biggest part of creating peace within nations was by creating a congregation of leaders from different countries that would solve nations issues to prevent wars in the future. Many were opposed to this idea, thus resulting in it being rejected by the Senate, but today we had an organization called the United Nations which serves the same purpose as the League of Nations. So thought the League of Nations was originally rejected it was still created but with a different name, yet it shared the same