Pressure On Children In Sports

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Every day, a child participates in a sport activity. However, some kids are miserable participating in athletics due to bad parenting. Jason Sacks, executive director of the Positive Coaching Alliance he explain, seventy percent of children drop out of sports by age 13 because of their parents are putting too much pressure on them. Now, the parents have created problems that astonish them due to the news. According to Baldwin Ellis, “sports has many positive benefits.” Parents take a big risk pushing their kids to play a sport can backfire and cause disappointment, unhealthy relationship, and emotional problems.
Parents are pushing adolescent to participate in a sport can lead he/she to losing interest in athletic. A few parents grew up playing competitive games that had dreams of playing professionally, however in reality it just a …show more content…

Parents push their children to participate in athletics can impact their emotional development. For example, a child may not be gifted in sports, but parents still pressure their kids to be next superstar. “The lack ability but are forced to compete, they are placed in humiliating situations where they continually fail. However, children should enjoy participating in sports but the constant humiliation can cause a backfire. Parental demands can backfire and result in low self-esteem, depression, and anxiety that can affect their children for the rest of their lives. For instance, a child with low self- esteem can feel miserable participating in sports
However, parents need to pay attention of themselves of how hard they are their pressuring their children. Parents need to realizes they have important role of their child 's life. The passion you see in parents who push their children in sports is great but how are their children handling it. Children should enjoy sports, but not have deal with their guardian constantly criticizing their performance, struggling to have good relationships with their parent, and struggling