Pride And Love In The Scarlet Ibis By James Hurst

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As James Hurst illustrates in “The Scarlet Ibis” life is fragile and we should protect and cherish it no matter how many challenges/circumstances there are. “I did not know then that pride is a wonderful, terrible thing, a seed that bears two vines, life and death." This is said by Doodle’s brother, after the experience he got with Doodle. Pride can be an important source of strength and motivation, but it can also lead to destructive results if it is taken to an extreme level. Doodle’s end of life was led by his brother in three ways, pushing Doodle too hard, secretly wanting to kill Doodle, and putting him on a development program. This essay will allow you to explore how pride and love interact in the story, and also the consequences of …show more content…

Doodle was born with fragile conditions, with many abnormalities, but Doodle’s older brother wanted to make Doodle feel like everyone else as a normal person because he was embarrassed by having a brother that couldn’t walk. They both often went to the Old Woman Swamp, it was their favorite place. Doodle’s brother wanted decided to teach Doodle how to walk, he kept on trying and trying, but and Doodle kept on collapsing and collapsing onto the ground. “It seemed so hopeless from the beginning that it's a miracle I didn't give up”. Then one day finally, after practicing a thousand times, Dooddle got it. This was the love of a brother but did it for his selfish …show more content…

Doodle was sitting on the ground, he had been bleeding from his mouth. His neck and his shirt were stained with red blood. Doodle’s brother called Doodle to wake up but he didn’t answer anything. He was looking so fragile and skinny. “For a long time, it seemed forever, I lay there crying, sheltering my fallen scarlet ibis from the heresy of rain." The Scarlet Ibis was a symbol of Doodle’s fragility, they both were beautiful, and delicate or delicate ,and vulnerable. Doodle wasis not able to meet his brother’s expectations. In the end, the fragility and beauty of the Scarlet Ibis and Doodle served as a reminder of the fragility and beauty of life, and the power of love/pride. Scarlet Ibis was a sign of Doodle’s death in the future; which did happen, both had the same