Pride And Prejudice Key Quotes

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1. April, (the year) 2013.
2. I find my golden ticket when I press "play" / (the "play" button).
3. This is my becoming.
4. I see antlers with women bodies on them, but I'm not afraid.
5. I learnt to feel what's around / what's happening around.
6. I see the world in bright colors.
7. I look at the world through empath's eyes. / I see the world like an empath.
8. I see how everything is changing. / I see everything changing.
9. ??? пункт пропущен на русском языке.
10. This is my design.
11. I stand knee deep in water in the woods (in the forest), and this is my oasis.
12. ??? пункт пропущен на русском языке.
13. I'm left alone with what I love so dearly.
14. Everyone who's on the screen becomes a part of me.
15. Every character leaves a mark …show more content…

You have shown what it means to be free.
51. I've never known myself as well as I know myself when I'm with "Hannibal"
52. You have shown the diversity of the human heart / soul.
53. You've created many women characters and made us admire their cunning and strenght.
54. Created women who don't need to be proteted. Their enemies have to protect themselves and fear their anger.
55. You've broken our heart into million pieces, to collect them again, teaching us to feel and value life.
56. You have created the most beautiful "valentine gift" - Hannibal's broken heart became an image of thousand fans' broken hearts.
57. You let us in your amazing world and we've accepted this rare gift.
58. You let us become a part of this great feeling, that can be born only between two people.
59. You gave us the inspiration.
60. Thousands pictures, vids and fanfiction stories are dedicated to this show.
61. We walked this road together.
62. There's a belief that if you name your bait with what you want and love the most, you will catch a big fish.
63. Our bait's name is the 4th Season.
64. This show changed every one of us the way Doctor Lecter changed people.
65. So here we are.
66. We say "Thank you!", mister Fuller, Mads, Hugh and all the