
Pride In The Military Essay

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The promise of great pride has always been a strong motivator for young men and women to enlist in any branch of the Armed Forces and stoking that fire will always be an important tool for recruitment efforts. However, as the rising need for a larger force continually presses the military against a rapidly approaching time constraint, one can only ask, ‘Is that pride enough’? Even alongside the numerous reasons and motivations that drive U.S. citizens to enlist, the numbers are still no match for the challenges that we all potentially face in the near future. While it remains a major topic for debate, it cannot be denied that the concept of instating a mandatory service requirement holds both value and merit in which the benefits to both the …show more content…

Unfortunately, that pride is not something that all Americans share today, and it is largely due to the lack of experience and exposure that naturally comes with service in any military branch. The military and its branches are often described with the word “brotherhood,” and others like it because the military is an all-inclusive team at every level which promotes things like diversity, comradery, and most importantly, pride. If every able-bodied citizen, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, orientation, or background, was required to complete a term of military service, then the vast majority of the nation would get the opportunity to truly learn what it means to be a member of a team and share the same sense of pride. With an entire nation built upon the foundation of such a deep bond, sincere patriotism would become …show more content…

A large number of service members, perhaps even the majority of them, join out of necessity for things like security and stability, but few people in the U.S. know much about the military and all that it has to offer regarding personal and professional development, both educational and direct experience. Mandatory service would expose nearly every citizen to the benefits and resources associated with the military and would give individuals the ability to shape their futures using the endless possibilities that aren’t provided anywhere else. Whether these recruits choose to do their time and go separate ways from the military or choose to pursue a career, lifelong or otherwise, they will still be allowed to utilize the military’s educational benefits along with the resources to succeed in any field they may choose outside of the service. The Armed Forces don’t just need more personnel to maintain readiness and strength, most people don’t know that they may need or want what the force has to offer

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