Primary Ethical Principles In The Workplace

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Ethical principles are put into place to create an environment of a workplace that individuals can feel respected, safe, have fair treatment, and no discrimination. It creates a positive effect for employees, by having a primary ethical principle put forth by the company. However, because these rules are required to be implemented, (negative outcomes can come about if they are not followed), it becomes something that has to be constantly communicated, to ensure that all employees understand and abide by the rules, as they represent the company. The guidelines have to be revisited frequently (usually on an annual basis) to ensure that all aspects are covered, updates are made timely, and information is explained thoroughly (Kinicki, 2012). …show more content…

Another con, in my opinion, is not that the principles exist to to ensure that all employees are treated fairly, among other things, but when managers are allowed to implement the policies as they see fit, within their own departments, can cause confusion and an uproar within the company as a whole. For example, if one department manager goes “strictly by the book” and doesn't "cut any slack" towards employees, an error made could end the employment of a staff member abruptly, but if another manager has the same error made in their department by their staff member- that manager may consider it a lesson for the staff member, believes in second and third chances, and may only give a verbal warning, and that staff member’s employment continues as if nothing took place. Although I do prefer the second scenario, but If other employees within both departments end up hearing about what took place with both staff members, it could cause a shift in morale quickly (and possibly even a lawsuit by the terminated employee); simply because some individuals will feel that unfair treatment has taken place and that it was allowed by upper …show more content…

It allows employees to know that they can work in a stress-free environment and that bad behavior from fellow co workers will not be tolerated. For instance, although there are times when employees or team members of a department may not get along, and several individuals feel as though they want to say things to a coworker that are demeaning or rude, but ethical principles do not allow such behavior to take place without consequences. But for the most part, most individuals have a sense of knowing that it is unethical to behave in such a manner, and they do what is needed to try to get along with others, follow the guidelines, and function well within the workplace. As a working adult, the majority of people (I believe) understand that you don’t always have to like a person in order to be successful in daily work projects, as the project goal is what is

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