Primary Source Analysis: The March On Washington

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Stephanie Chester Dr. Gene Tucker HIST 1302 April 09, 2018 Primary Source Analysis For years African Americans have and continue to fight for equal rights. In 1917, a man by the name of Randolph Phillip along with his lifelong friend, Chandler Owen, created and founded The Messenger, a magazine designed to inform and cause controversy and bring attention to the wrongdoings. President Woodrow Wilson, not knowing this magazine would help shape US history and would be leading to many commemorative marches and speeches to come. Randolph Phillip paid a considerable amount of attention to the discriminatory acts towards those of a different ethnicity. To American Negroes, the racial discrimination in government departments led to denial of jobs in government defense projects. It is widespread Jim-Crowism in the armed forces of the Nation. This curiosity and love for change would soon lead to the infamous march of 1941 March on Washington. Declaring and demanding a change in banning and fixing regulations when it came to discrimination against those of ethnic background. The pressure worked, with success against President Franklin D. Roosevelt. This …show more content…

The March on Washington brought together many different civil rights groups, labor unions, and religious organizations, including NAACP, the Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, the American Federation of Labor, and the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. The sole purpose of the March on Washington was not to dispose of the Jim Crow laws, even though protestors indeed desired to bring a swift end to the segregation that regulated the South after the Civil War. "Today we call on President Roosevelt, a great humanitarian and idealist, too . . . free American Negro citizens of the stigma, humiliation, and insult of discrimination and Jim-Crowism in Government departments and national defense" (Randolph