Write An Essay On The Book Night By Primo

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Long, dreary, bleak days and nights, starvation, and death that lasted for several years is what the innocent Jews of Europe faced in what was called the Holocaust. The Holocaust was a mass genocide that took place during World War II in which Adolf Hitler ordered the death of millions of Jews with aid from his Nazi Germany and the Axis powers. More than 6 million Jews faced death in a total of 17 million victims overall. The word, Holocaust, was meant to describe a sacrificial offering burned at the altar, but since 1945, it took on a horrific and abhorrent meaning. To talk about it, however, was impossible. They were terrifying events that no one dared to talk about for fear of bringing gruesome memories back. Those who did, however, couldn’t bring themselves to say these memories out loud. These were writers, who went to a whole other level to help their reader gain a better understanding of an event unimaginable. They were authors, such as Elie Wiesel, Primo Levi, and Spiegelman, who had faced the Holocaust or some extent of it. So, they used different ways to say the unspeakable. They used different segments of …show more content…

He uses frequently used words in a distinct manner to display their contrasting meanings. In his autobiography, Primo recounts to his readers, “They are free words, created and used by free men who lived in comfort and suffering in their homes […] Because ‘winter’ means yet another thing” (Document C). Levi’s thoughts imply that to a free man, words such as “winter” may seem harmless and create a mirage of pretty snow and celebration by a warm fire. However, to a survivor of the Holocaust, it could awaken unwanted memories of torturous and morbid days, outside in hypothermia inducing winds and snow with no other task to do except toil away in the raw cold. These seemingly harmless words deceive others when the meaning of them change alongside life