
Prince Henry Act 1 Scene 5 Essay

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(Prince Henry enters a pub in England where he meets, Nym, Pistol, and Bardolph) HENRY Greetings, my withered cohorts. (Henry walks towards his friends) BARDOLPH Oh look! Here comes baby Henry! PISTOL Henry! Come take a seat on this royal stool. (Pistol signals the waiter for one more drink) NYM Withered? You're only 5 years younger than us. HENRY 5 too many, Nym. (Everyone laughs and Henry pats every on the shoulder saying hello and takes a seat) BARDOLPH How’s the king doing these days? HENRY Busy. I’ve barely seen him lately. He's been hiding like a chameleon. PISTOL Well when you see him tell him if he ever needs some help, we are here for him. HENRY Okay. (Waiter comes up) WAITER Hello Henry. Water okay? HENRY Yes, Thank you. PISTOL You …show more content…

(Pistol gets a pat on the back from everyone) (3 Knights walk in with suspicion) BARDOLPH Looks like someone didn't have a good morning. KNIGHT 1 Have any of you seen this man? (Pulls out a “wanted” paper) KNIGHT 2 He was heard to be in this tavern. KNIGHT 3 Tell us now if you want no trouble. LADY Hes over here! (Old man is confused and shivering) KNIGHT Come with us. MAN I didn't do anything! Someone help me! (Everyone is quiet) KNIGHT Come on! (The knight pulls the man with him) (Henry gets up) HENRY Why are you taking this poor soul? He hasn't done a single thing. KNIGHT Say that to the food stand he has stolen from. HENRY You have no proof! KNIGHT Step aside. (The knight shoves Henry) HENRY Do you know who I am? I am Prince Henry and I demand you to let this man go. KNIGHT Ha! A prince? In a commoners pub? (The knights leave with the old man) PISTOL That was evil. BARDOLPH Nothing new. NYM We have to do something. We can’t let them just take him! BARDOLPH We will be hung right beside him if we do. HENRY I'm going to return to the castle, I need to talk to my father.

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