From the time human beings walked upon the earth, people have fashioned numerous inventions, which have impacted history and human everyday life. Electricity, cars, airplanes, scientific knowledge, and more, all this would not be available in the present world today, if it was not for the mighty printing press. Originated from a humble wine press combined with an old coin press, the printing press is a powerful and significant invention, which changed our way of life. The printing press reshaped the world into the planet we live today for three distinct and direct reasons. The printing press made knowledge and books available to all people, which lead to religious revolutions and the Renaissance where people began to question and create ideas …show more content…
Just picture the world today without a printing press. The schoolrooms would only have a bit of books on their shelves, you couldn’t interpret the computer, actually, there would be no computer and countless other inventions without the printing press. With books, people drew in facts and knowledge in order to create and think, which paved the path for the Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution. Unhampered by distance or national borderlines scientists, scholars, archeologists could share with one another their findings, which could be published in books for the future generations to correct, build, and learn from. Without the printing press, famous speeches and sayings like Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream”, the Declaration of Independence, and Abraham Lincoln’s “Emancipation Proclamation” would probably have been massively altered from the original form or might have not even existed! Why? People would hear things and jot them down, then hand over the script to another who would reproduce them, and the process would start again. Over time, the words and phrases would become fazed and erroneous, which would lead to the loss of originality. The printing press made it so that the originality would be many times more precise than the past method of handwriting. Have you ever wondered what it would feel like without the printing press? We would be in like the modern Dark Ages! What would happen if you received news of your mother’s death two weeks after she passed away? Or how would it feel like that you found out the Patriots lost the Super Bowl a month later? The written word could bring people together and expose new thoughts and ideas as well. No printing press and the world would not be what it is in the