
Private College Might Not Be Worth The High Cost: Article Analysis

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In the article “This school replaced detention with meditation. The results are stunning.” Gaines explains how an elementary school in Baltimore has changed their views on punishment on their students to improve their mentality. Apparently, instead of assigning detention and time outs they had misbehaving students sit in a room and meditate and breathe as their punishment. Basically, this new type of approach to young troubled kids in a impoverished neighborhood produced an astonishing result that was meditation and relaxation helped these misbehaving student improve their behavior and their academics. Since they have implemented this program in their school their was a result of no suspension or expulsions. After talking about this small …show more content…

Private education show how “prestige” and they assume to be through there prices, but really there are not that different from public Universities. Even though private universities may have higher graduation rates their post graduate job rates are basically the same as another individual from a private university. Clark refers to a research done in 2012 that compares private and public university graduates in 2008 post life and they find out that they are similar in salary and job rates.She states her opinion in the text saying “Bottom line, you can't assume that private institutions are always automatically better just because they are private or expensive. It is important to ask questions about both graduation rates and post-college outcomes.”This gives students another perspective in whier you should not just look at the graduation rates your should look at what happens to these student after they graduate. You can compare this to going to a private high school since even though many have high graduation rate they pretty much have the same amount of kids from public school reach top notch …show more content…

Private universities tend to charge more than public universities even though in the end they have similar job finding results.She recommended for undergraduates to attend public universities because the prices are cheaper and more affordable. She mentions how the pricing of private universities are ridiculous since being compared to a public university the result and the prestigious is not that far off. Woodruff says “Public or private, your chances of making it in the job world are higher the minute you graduate from college” meaning that either college you choose a degree is a degree so the job rate should not differ a lot. Obviously, there are some outliers that are mentioned like ivy league schools. You can conclude that Private universities are not as worthiness as they seem due to their high prices. It ends up to personal choice if you prefer the vibe of one type of university more than the other than you can make your own

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