Private Peaceful Injustice

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Private Peaceful, a historical fiction novel written by Michael Morpurgo, is a novel about powerless people versus powerful people fighting for injustice. The story is set in the battlefront of World War One and focuses on the lifestyle of two brothers, Charlie and Tommo. In this novel, the author, Morpurgo, gives the readers the message that the rich and the powerful victimize the poor and the weak. One way Morpurgo develops his message of powerful versus the weak is in the setting and situation of the story. The story is set, after all, in the battlefront, a situation where the soldiers can’t defend themselves because of the hierarchy system of the military society. Also, the powerless soldiers need to depend on the powerful soldiers to prove their innocence. In this situation, the soldiers’ defenselessness of the battlefront emphasizes the powerlessness of the soldiers in a setting controlled by …show more content…

More specifically, the author’s detail is shown before Charlie’s execution when Sergeant Hanley arrests him unfairly for not following his suicidal order, crossing the German trenches when it is obvious that they can’t survive. Besides, Charlie has to protect injured Tommo, and he can’t leave him alone in the dugout. To conclude, Michael Morpurgo well proves his message of injustice by describing the powerful executing Charlie even though he did the righteous thing. From the situation, characters, and plot events in the story, Michael Morpurgo 's theme of injustice is demonstrated. Out of all the settings, the battlefront is one of the three parallel situations in the novel that demonstrates the injustice of the powerful versus the weak. The struggles of Tommo and Charlie as they suffer their unfair life in the battlefront teaches a very important lesson to young readers as they face similar challenges of injustice between the powerful and the weak for the first time in their own