Pro Abortion Essay

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Imagine if an important woman in your life like a sister, daughter, or best friend came to you admitting that she was raped and got pregnant from it. You can see the pain and trauma in her eyes. You know that it can potentially disrupt her family relationships, her education, her body, her life. Will you advise her to abort the fetus or not?

Today, I will be speaking about why abortion should be legal in all countries. Even if you think that abortion is not a likely option for you, you are going to know someone that has to go through this choice and they are going to need your advice so it’s good to just be informed on the issue.

I’m pro choice, and I believe that abortion should be legal.

Maybe the woman is unprepared to be a …show more content…

5% of rape victims occur unwanted pregnancies. They don’t do this just because they want to murder the child, but because they don’t want to be reminded by the child that they were raped, which affects their psychological health. According to the hierarchy of needs, psychological health is the most important and hence I believe that abortion should be made an option.

For those of you who think that abortion should be made illegal, it won’t stop people from getting abortions. Women or couples will resort to back-alley operations, which are very dangerous for both fetus and mother. According to the World Health Organisation, there were 19 million unsafe abortions in 2000. In 2004 there were about 60000 maternal deaths worldwide caused by complications from unsafe abortions. Abortions should be legal so that the women can have safe abortions that will not pose a threat to their health.

Raising a child is not an easy task and requires a lot of commitment and financial resources. When a woman feels she is not ready for a child, it implies that the pregnancy is unwanted. In this case, when a fetus grows into a child, it is worse than abortion since the child will grow in a non conducive environment without the love and stability that a child