
Pro Animal Testing Essay

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Alone in the United States, a calculated seventy million animals are murdered for “scientific benefit” in the hands of household products, government agencies, cosmetics companies, scientific centers, and educational institutions. Although it may appear to be beneficial to test on animals it is actually hurting the innocent animals population in large numbers, and at a rapid pace.Innocent animals are being harmed and killed for the benefit of a human's safety. Most people claim animal testing is the correct choice while others oppose it, as it is improper and unlawful. Although some people think the good outweighs the negative, the harm being caused to these animals cannot be undone. Many claim that animals are not necessarily comparable to humans, so why are these animals being experimented on, and suffering to protect human beings? Animal testing is the change of animals living situation for the advantage of human benefit. These animals are the subjects of testing household items such as febreze, hair gel, and body shampoo. …show more content…

People and many small animals have comparable organ systems and body processes. Experiments on animals help scientists increase comprehension about the way the human body functions. In the U.S, scientists will perform these experiments on more than twenty million animals every year. Medical researchers examine these animals to get a better understanding of body in humans and animals. They use many animals to study the causes and effects of illnesses, such as cancer and heart disease to name a few. Vivisection is one of the most commonly used studies done on the “test subjects”. Vivisection is the practice of cutting or operating in a living animal or human. Large market companies such as Maybelline Band-Aid, Febreze, Clorox,Band-Aid, and many more are using the practice of Vivisection on

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