Pro Death Penalty Essay

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What would you do if you wrongfully punished an innocent prisoner by the use of capital punishment? The Amnesty International USA Death Penalty Abolition Campaign has conducted multiple studies and research to help terminate the growing issue. The campaign states, “Since 1973, 140 prisoners have been released from death row because they were found under a wrongful conviction. However, in this same time period, more than 1,200 prisoners were executed, and multiple may have been wrongfully convicted.” ("U.S. Death Penalty Facts”). In today’s society, capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, has become an immense debate between what is moral and immoral. The Gale Encyclopedia also has conducted research on the topic of the death …show more content…

The elimination of the death penalty is lying in the hands of the legislative branch of the United States government. The legislative branch holds the power to make the laws, regulations, and policies to ban capital punishment. Therefore, when taking measureable actions against capital punishment one should focus on influencing the decisions of the legislative branch to impose restrictions against the death …show more content…

However, there are multiple groups throughout the country that believe capital punishment is a necessity, and the procedure may even be a part of their job. Some of these groups consist of police officers, prison guards, and other citizens who have everyday contact with prisoners. The opposing viewpoint’s major argument is that if man does not get angry when someone is unjustly injured, then their morals have been degraded (Berns). Therefore, the execution of prisoners is morally right because that is the natural reaction of a morally sound man. However, this argument is based solely on the opinions of the pro group because there are no facts or research that can show the morality of capital

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