Process Essay About Fishing

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If you're new to fishing, perhaps you're being overwhelmed with lots of new and exciting things to buy. Or, perhaps you're able to resist the temptation of having to learn how lots of gadgets, and accessories work, and just need the basic fishing tackle to get you started. Here's what you need. 1. Fishing Rod - First of all you'll need a rod. The material, weight, and length will all be determined by what you're going to fish for, where you're going to fish, and how often you'll be going fishing. There's no point spending a fortune on getting the lightest fishing rod, if you're going to use it a couple of times a year. 2. Fishing Reel - The reel is almost as important as the rod, and again, the model you buy will depend on what sort of fish you'll catch, how often you fish and how much you want to spend. You don't have to spend a fortune to get a good reel, and spending a lot on a reel, won't necessarily mean it's the right reel for you. …show more content…

Fishing Line - the fishing line will depend on what sort of fish you are catching. Heavier fish will need a stronger and heavier line. You might also want to make sure that the lines you use will work well with your reels too. 4. Flies - If you're going fly fishing, then you'll be using some sort of flies as bait. These flies could be real insects, pretend insects, or flies that you have made yourself out of materials designed to attract the fish. You'll also need the right floatants, sinkants, leaders and hooks too. 5. Waders - Although not an essential, waders mean that you can stand in the water, and so have a better range, and increase the likelihood of catching more fish. If you fish in a river, then you're sure to want to try waders at some point. Alternatively, if you fish sat at the side of a lake, and spend more time talking with other anglers than concentrating on your rod, perhaps waders shouldn't be at the top of your

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