Proctor Definition Essay

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Definition of “Proctor.” “Proctor, is a variant of the word procurator, is a person who takes charge of, or acts for, another. The word "proctor" is frequently used to describe someone who oversees an examination...” (Wikipedia) The UoPeople Office of Student Services defines a Proctor as an “impartial individual appointed to monitor or supervise a student during their examinations)” It is a graduation requirement at the University of the People for every student to take a proctored exam, and they are five in total. The university advocates for proctoring as the process ensures the integrity of an assessment, identity of the student and test taking environment. Students who do not take a proctored exam will fail the course regardless of their performance. Proctor Criteria A proctor needs to be a person who is neutral and of integrity since his task is to circumvent malpractice that is associated with online …show more content…

• Cannot be a relative of the Student, another Student at UoPeople or an applicant. • Does not have “any vested interest in the student’s grade or performance on his/her exam” Proctor Registration During online registration for proctored courses, a student is required to register a proctor. It is vital that a proctor is assigned before the registration period closes. For an offline proctor, the basic information that is required is the first and last name of the proposed proctor, his/her email address and contact information, that is, telephone number, occupation and place of residence. An online proctor service, known as ProctorU is also another option. The handout lists the registration process as follows: • Click on the “add a proctor” link and student will enter set details that are copied below • Proctor first name and last name – ProctorU • Proctor email address – • Proctor phone number – 1-855-772-8678 • Proctor country of residence – United States • Proctor city of residence – San